Are you tired of the roller coaster ride that your investments are on?
Frustrated with poor returns on your RRSP/TFSA/Mutual Funds but don’t know what else to do?
Has the recent economic downturn delayed your retirement and are now wondering what to do next?
Have you considered Real Estate Investing but don’t know where to get started?
If you’ve answered “YES” to any of the above, then don’t miss Prosperity Real Estate Investments upcoming FREE seminar.
“Prosper for Life.”
People clinging to the relics of the past such as job security, savings, and a retirement plan may be the most devastated by the financial storms now engulfing the world. As the stock market continues to struggle with very little sight of recovery, the real estate market conditions represent a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for smart investors to acquire great properties inexpensively.
Many fortunes will be made in the next five years by investors with the courage to take advantage of the tremendous values of today. We aren’t talking about properties in the United States where foreclosures are still sweeping the country but in a safe market right in our own back yard….Canada.
Prosperity Real Estate Investments is an award winning investments company that’s been successfully investing in the Canadian real estate market for over 10 years providing investors great returns even during the recession down turn.
If you want to learn Prosperity’s secret and how you could also get your investments back on track, make sure attend their upcoming seminar.
Learn the fastest and most popular way most millionaires have created their wealth and how you could to.
In this 60 minute seminar, you will learn:
That your retirement plan may not be as sound as you think
* How to make money in any economy. Up or down – doesn’t matter.
* Finding great properties that provide you cash flow in your pocket every month.
* Being a property owner without the hassles of being a landlord and managing tenants.
* How to make better RRSP returns in Real Estate than your current investment strategy.
* And much, much more……….
The Prosperity Real Estate Investment seminar is sure to fill up fast so take a moment to pre-register today and ensure your seat is secured.
Tuesday May 29th, 2012
Holiday Inn Express
15808 104 Ave
Surrey, BC
You must register to attend our upcoming class and secure your seat.
Seating is limited so don’t wait, register today.
To register please e-mail
info@prosperityinvestments.ca or call 604-882-6901.

Michael Ponte, President & Founder
Prosperity Real Estate Investments
Phone: 604-882-6901
Tags: Prosper for Life, real estate investing, real estate investing seminar