Prosperity Partnership
A complete partnership where everyone WINS
Prosperity JV Partnership is offered as our signature investment program, and literally one of the most secure and simplistic real estate investment vehicles available today.
Prosperity JV Partnership offers a substantially higher return than your average financial institution’s investment; however, it still retains the ability to keep your money safe and secure as it is fully backed by real estate. The best part is you have total control over which project you choose to invest in.
The Prosperity JV Partnership allows you to have direct ownership on the title of a property that we have determined is an extremely lucrative buying opportunity. Returns differ from project to project so you have total control over where your money goes and how much you get back.
The most unique advantage of the Prosperity Partnership is that it’s a Hand’s-Free real estate investment. It is designed specifically for those that want to physically own investment real estate without the hassles and complexities of managing it. In essence this Partnership brings together someone who wants to invest in real estate (you) with someone who has the experience in managing the investment (us).
The investment required for a Prosperity project will vary depending on the type, size, and scale of the project. We will review your goals, expectations and budget to ensure we have the right investment property to help you achieve your investing objectives.
How do we make money? The bottom line is, we only make money if you do. The only way Prosperity Real Estate Investments gets paid is if we turn a profit on your investment. We take an equity stake in each project; however, your investment capital is always returned to you before any profit is paid out. We believe this to be the best payment structure available.
As a Prosperity JV Partner, you will receive quarterly updates about the property, including the current financial status of the reserve fund and a detailed cash flow analysis. You will also have the ability to check the status of your portfolio in the Members Log-In section, which can be found in the top corner of our website.