We receive many questions about investing in Real Estate and listed below are the most common. If your question is not answered here, please contact us for more information.
How safe is my investment?
Real Estate is very safe as it is a real asset- tangible and concrete so you will always have the value of the property, land and additional insurance placed on it. We use an incredibly rigorous system of due diligence to safeguard your investment. That being said all investments still hold an element of risk.
What Does Prosperity Real Estate Investments Do?
Our company’s focus and responsibility is to ensure we find and invest in quality revenue producing real estate in Canada and the United States where we are able to make the best returns for our clients and ourselves. Some of our responsibilities that we do to ensure this is listed below:
· Evaluate potential properties using a proven system designed by Prosperity Real Estate Investments
· Inspect, negotiate and conduct exemplary due diligence on every property
· Finance, insure and hold mortgage on investment property
· Cost effectively renovate property up to a top standard of rent readiness
· Choose quality, equity building tenants that improve the property’s value
· Impeccably manage and maintain the property
· Appropriately market time and sell or refinance to maximize profits
¦more details of our responsibilities can be found under “why prosperity”
How do you go about looking for suitable properties?
Prosperity Real Estate Investments review thousands of potentially suitable properties annually and only decide on a select few properties each year. Each property must meet the strict Prosperity criteria which is the property must reach a specific threshold equity and cash flow position from the first day we own the property. This ensures an instant return to our partners and in addition can help deal with any market fluctuations that may occur.
In addition, we do extensive research in any area we invest to ensure that the properties we purchase continue to show cash flow and the fundamentals highlight long term growth.
What is the time horizon for my investment?
The investment is for five years. It takes time for markets to appreciate, change poor management, upgrade and renovate existing apartment buildings and to improve revenues and decrease expenses. Therefore, in order to deliver our typically above average returns, we need at least five years with the investment to materialize into above average returns for our investors.
What kind of returns can I expect as an investor?
Prosperity Real Estate Investments aims to deliver a 75-100% return on investment to our investors in 5 years, which is a 15-20% return per year. While we have been able to consistently achieve these results in the past through prudent acquisitions, renovations and asset dispositions, there is no guarantee that we will be able to exceed these returns as in the past. Although a look at ones track record will give a good indication of the abilities of the management team leading the company into the future.
Do I have my name on title?
With our residential properties ‘Yes’ you can have your name on title if you arrange to hold the mortgage. If we hold the mortgage then your name is on title in the form of a caveat. A caveat is a document any person with a legal interest in a property can lodge with the Land Titles Office to ensure the property is not sold without their knowledge. This protects your legal rights and interests.
In regards to our commercial projects then the answer would be ‘No’. Each property purchase will be held in a limited partnership which would qualify for the mortgage and be on title. Each investor would hold a certain amount shares in the limited partnership depending on the amount invested in to the project.
How do I go about arranging financing?
We have access to a broad range of both private and public lenders. You may also want to consider using your RRSP as investment money. This way you will receive both the tax deduction as well as a fixed rate of return on your investment. As with any RRSP your investment will be secured by real property.
Can I really invest with Prosperity Real Estate Investments using my RRSP money?
Yes. You can invest using your RRSP/RIF/RESP’s/TFSA and you will receive a secured consistent rate of interest.
What communication can I expect to receive from Prosperity Real Estate Investments after I invest?
We typically issue quarterly written updates on the progress of the limited partnership along with the financials of the partnership. We pride ourselves in our transparency and encourage all investors to contact us with any additional questions they have regarding the details of the partnership.
I want to get started so what’s the next step?
All we need is your completed application, which you can complete by clicking the Investor Interest Form. Once we receive this, we can have a brief discussion over the phone with no obligations. You can also call the Prosperity Real Estate Investment office directly at 604-882-6901